Sunflowers and Shenanigans:
There can be no growth without communication, no matter how random or insignificant it may seem...
The Sun speaks softly to the Flower with the warm words of Love's wisdom while the flower reciprocates by traveling towards the source of the Light...
Every now and then the opinions of raindrops chime in to supply some well deserved spunk for the trunk, introducing the threshold of a hug...
This mutual respect is shared energy in the form of cognizant growth and regeneration composing a mystical recipe of Give and Receive...Not take...
For being on the "take" isn't mutual at all...It's an imbalance through want and wielded by waste...Be mindful of your wants, for they may only lead one to the wasteland, but there will always be a road home, down Lover's Lane...Any "takers?"
All My Love,
Gravel Road Guru